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UltimateMama's children have been in swimming classes since they were babies.  It is never easy to remember everything you need to pack for the pool or beac.  Hopefully, the following list will assist you as you pack for water fun:

– bathing suit for your child (we prefer one-pieces from Target or Speedo that have simple straps)

– bathing suit for you if you are required to join in the fun (UltimateMama likes one-piece suits by Speedo or Nike

– swim caps

- rash guard skirts/UV protection shirts (those by Speedo are great) or cover-ups


- swim diapers for those not yet potty trained (try both disposable and reusable and decide for yourself which is best for your child)

– clothing for after swimming (including diapers or underwear)

– snacks and water for after swimming  

– towels

– waterproof sandals for pool deck, shower, beach

Johnson's Body Wash in a small container for after swimming washing

– goggles (UltimateMama likes Speedo goggles for her whole family) 

Outta my Sunday mornin' mind….
UltimateMama feels that thank you notes are mandatory when your child does not open a gift in front of the gift giver.  Moreover, UltimateMama helps her children compose and send thank you notes many times when they do open a gift in front of the gift giver.
Every year UltimateMama spends a lot of money on children's gifts. UltimateMama and her children only receive proper thank yous from the recipients of approximately 50% of these gifts.  Not only does UltimateMama feel bad about it but her children do too (especially when they helped select the gift). 
Many folks ask UltimateMama if the official thank you must be in the form of a note or letter that is mailed. Ideally, yes. Practical, maybe not.  A quick phone call or email to have your child say 'thank you" is better than nothing at all!
Teach your children etiquette early on!  A child who sends thank you notes will grow up to be an adult who does the same.

UltimateMama has a phrase of advice for you: KISS (Keep It Seasonal Silly)!  Whether your child is in day care or preschool they will likely need a back-up outfit in case of spills or accidents that most likely remains in a cubby or small storage area.  Remember, to rotate the clothing and accessories with the seasons.  Put the attire and accessories in a nice, compact bag for easy storage. Label everything!

UltimateMama has a checklist for your child's back-up goods:

– Diapers/Wipes/Cream or Underwear or Pull-Ups (depending on your child's age/stage)

– Shoes/Sandals

– Pants/Shorts

– Long sleeve and short sleeve shirt

– Cardigan or sweater

– Socks

– Any emergency aid they need (discuss this with adults in charge)

Not only does Ultimate-Mama loves an evening routine but her children also look forward to it each night.  Having a consistent chain of events each night is comforting to kids who like to know what comes next.  Additionally, getting your kids to bed at the same time each night is good for their development and enables you to have a few hours to yourself. 

UltimateMama does not feel it is ever too early to start an evening routine.  As long as you keep all the events at approximately the same time each evening you are establishing a routine. An evening routine for babies, toddlers, children can consist of the following:

– 5 PM dinner

– 6 PM bath

– 6:30 PM lotion, pajamas, brushing teeth

– 6:45 PM bedtime stories and milk for babies (the book "Time for Bed" by Mem Fox is a wonderful evening story for kids)


– 6:55 PM last call for the potty

– 7 PM lights out!

UltimateMama is not at all concerned about the Arctic blast coming to NYC this weekend because she is 100% prepared.  By the way, every piece of clothing is labeled with Mabel's Labels.  UltimateMama wants to share her "Ultimate Cold Weather Attire Checklist" for children with you:

– Warm jacket (UltimateMama loves to buy jackets at Hanna Andersson and many of her friends like Lands End and Patagonia for their kids)   

– Snow pants (remember that you do not have to buy matching snow pants; instead chose a solid color that you like OR if you go the matching route make sure to shop for sales)

– Fleece vest (UltimateMama loves Patagonia) vests

- Fleece cardigan jacket for under the main jacket on super cold days  

– Long underwear

- Knee-socks

– Scarf (only if the kids are old enough and BE CAREFUL because scarves are choking hazards; scarves are not mandatory)

– Hat (UltimateMama loves hats from the GAP and Columbia)  

– Mittens and gloves

– Tights (for girls)

– Boots (Ecco boots are great for kids and waterproof!) 

– Turtleneck

– Sweater

– Heavy pants or flannel lined pants

– Leg warmers (UltimateMama loves BabyLegs)


UltimateMama never mentions the word "dessert" to her children.  Dessert is not a food group.  Dessert is not mandatory for survival.  UltimateMama tries to limit processed sugars in her household.  But, do not fret!  UltimateMama gives you plenty of ideas for special snacks or treats that will satisfy your little ones: 

– Fruit (berries are great – blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries as is melon – watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe).  There are so many great fruits to expose your child to on a daily basis.  You can even cut up fruit and make funny faces with it on plates that are presented to your little ones. 

– Parfaits – such an easy snack and nutritious.  Just take plain yogurt, put some granola or cereal on top and add berries and you have a beautiful and health treat.

– Dried fruit.

– Homemade muffins.

– Pita and hummus or baba ghannouj.

UltimateMama is always seeking nutritious "treats" for special occasions.  Whether it is for a party, school snacktime, or just because these Ultimate Lemon Zucchini muffins are a hit with kids and adults alike!  Plus, they are simple to make!

Lemon Zucchini Muffins

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/2 cup sugar

2 teaspoons lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon lemon rind

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 cup shredded zucchini (peel the zucchini then either use a food processor OR continue peeling it into thin pieces

3/4 cup skim milk

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 large egg

Combine the first 6 ingredients in one large bowl. Next, combine zucchini, milk, oil, and egg in a separate bowl. Add wet mix to the flour mixture. Stir until dry ingredients are moist.

Portion the batter among 12 muffin cups (I like to use paper muffin cups with fun colors). Bake at 400° for 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Let cool.  Enjoy!

UltimateMama wishes all of you a happy, healthy, and safe New Year!  UltimateMama welcomes in 2010 with a list of New Year's resolutions:

1. Try different kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Be exotic.  Spend the extra money to sample an interesting delight and expose your children to a greater variety of fresh food.

2. Read more (for yourself and your children).

3. Organize finances.  Establish a college savings plan, stick with it, and add money to it on a regular basis.

4. Take up a hobby that benefits you and your children (art, exercise, cooking, photography, etc.).

5. Plan all vacations for 2010 right now so that you and your family have something to look forward to every day.

6. Pre-plan meals for the upcoming week…every week.

7. Always shop with lists (grocery, retail stores, etc.).  Do not make impulse purchases.

8. Organize all closets, drawers, and bookshelves.

9. Introduce your children to different types of music.

10. Make a list of all the local places you have always wanted to visit and go with your family!

HAPPY 2010!

