UltimateMama has a simple yet effective tip for you that will make your life a lot easier if your trip gets delayed or if you are planning to arrive back home late at night. Buy organic milk before your trip as it often has a longer expiration date compared to non-organic milk. Also, have a meal in the freezer for your family – pasta sauce, ham, meatloaf, etc. Additionally, keep some frozen fruit in the freezer for breakfast the next day. This way, if you arrive to your home too late to hit the grocery store you will be able to get by with a few meals!
You will thank UltimateMama when you arrive home with hungry kids late at night!
UltimateMama believes one must protect and organize kids food when out and about all over town! UltimateMama uses use clear cosmetic bags with zippers
to store food items for her children. One bag could
store a few meals along with a bib and utensils. UltimateMama uses additional bags to
store bottles for milk or water. UltimateMama fills up the cosmetic bags and throws them into the diaper bag and everyone is
ready to go. UltimateMama also puts these bags in her
carry-on luggage when traveling by air. The children's meals are organized, clean and fresh!
One could use additional bags to store
diapers and cream as well as an extra set of clothing or even teething
rings, toys, or small books.