UltimateMama recently surprised her children with heart shaped omelets for breakfast with her new Norpro nonstick pancake/egg rings. The result you ask? Nothing short of utter amazement with lots of laughs from her kids. Worth it! Whether you are celebrating the start/end of the school year, birthdays, summer camp send off, academic/athletic achievements, holidays, or really anything, your child will love starting the day with egg (or pancake) hearts for breakfast!

UltimateMama is known for her big weekend breakfasts. Many times the meals consist of eggs (various styles), turkey bacon (or chicken sausage), and pancakes. While UltimateMama loves making meals from scratch, sometimes, due to timing, she needs to take a few shortcuts on the pancake front and calls Williams-Sonoma to the rescue. The pancake or waffle mixes at Williams-Sonoma can be pricey at approximately $11 per tin(1 lb 8 oz), however, post holidays many of these mixes are 50% off (watch the expiration dates).
This weekend UltimateMama tried the Williams-Sonoma Spiced Pecan Pancake & Waffle Mix and it received rave reviews. Purchased in early-January for $4.99 it was definitely a fine after holiday treat for all.