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Posts tagged ‘recalls’

UltimateMama knows that with the holiday season comes lots of gifts — some loved and many hated.  The most important thing as a parent is that your child's presents are safe. 

UltimateMama wants to share with you a terrific website on safety and product recalls that is a MUST READ for all parents and childcare providers.  This website is essential for soon-to-be parents who are organizing a nursery for their future child.  Before you go on a shopping spree please take a look at this wonderful website that is put together by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission –  The website even details a "most wanted" list of products to avoid – including:

– Playskool Tool Benches

– MagnaMan Figures

– Delta Cribs (Spring Peg)

– Simplicity Cribs

– Kolcraft Play Yards

– MEGA Brands Magnetic Toys
