UltimateMama wants you to know that Charlotte, N.C.-based Family Dollar Stores Inc. announced a voluntary recall of 1.8 million toy dart gun sets because of an aspiration hazard after two children died.
Plainfield, N.J.-based Henry Gordy International Inc., which imports the toy dart gun sets, refused to recall the toy sets.
For more information check out the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission website.
Many of my loyal readers thanked me for encouraging them to visit the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's website on a frequent basis and for alerting them to the November 2009 Maclaren USA stroller recall following fingertip amputation and laceration hazard to the child.
Do not mess around when it comes to your child's safety!
UltimateMama knows that with the holiday season comes lots of gifts — some loved and many hated. The most important thing as a parent is that your child's presents are safe.
UltimateMama wants to share with you a terrific website on safety and product recalls that is a MUST READ for all parents and childcare providers. This website is essential for soon-to-be parents who are organizing a nursery for their future child. Before you go on a shopping spree please take a look at this wonderful website that is put together by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission – http://www.cpsc.gov. The website even details a "most wanted" list of products to avoid – including:
– Playskool Tool Benches
– MagnaMan Figures
– Delta Cribs (Spring Peg)
– Simplicity Cribs
– Kolcraft Play Yards
– MEGA Brands Magnetic Toys