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UltimateMama knows that some families run by routine while others are more
liberal.  UltimateMama strongly encourages families to follow a routine (eating, bathing, diapering, sleeping, etc.)!  If you have a nanny or babysitter you need to stress the importance of a routine to them.  Additionally, be specific as
to exactly what type of schedule you expect your childcare provider to follow.

Most parents want to make sure their child is neither
overfed nor underfed.  Many parents, UltimateMama included, talk to their pediatrician to develop an eating schedule for their child.  This eating schedule is altered as the child
gets older.

For infants, it is important to keep track of how many
ounces of milk. breast milk, or formula the baby consumes each day.  UltimateMama encourages developing an
eating schedule to make sure the child is getting the appropriate amount of
milk or formula at specific times throughout the day.  Every single time the baby drinks from the bottle, the parents and childcare provider should record what time
the baby was fed and how many ounces the baby consumed.  However, make it clear that your baby should never be force fed!

Additionally, make sure you properly burp the baby 
during and after feedings.  Be specific with your
childcare provider and tell her how many burps your baby usually has after each bottle.  If your baby tends to spit up a lot then make them aware of that as well.  Keep
plenty of burp clothes in a visible spot so you or your childcare provider can use them throughout
the day.  And for goodness sakes change
the baby’s clothing if spit-up gets on the garments. 

Always hold your baby upright after feedings!  Tell your childcare provider how many minutes she should hold your baby
as part of the digesting period before she puts the baby down in a crib or stroller. 

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