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UltimateMama loves to multitask. Every chance she can get she tries to accomplish a task while teaching her children in the process. 

This weekend her oldest daughter wanted raspberries – red, not golden.  Three year olds are very specific as most of you know!  Anyhow, UltimateMama and her daughter visited their local grocer and discovered that raspberries were $6.99 for a small container, way too expensive to purchase.  The good news was that strawberries were only $1.89 for a large container.  However, UltimateMama’s daughter did not see it as such and so began our quest for inexpensive red raspberries. 

UltimateMama took this opportunity to teach her daughter in a fun and sneaky manner the following:

– Seasonality of fruits

– Price differences between stores

– Budgeting money

After visiting three stores, UltimateMama helped her child with counting, weight calculations, and comparison shopping.

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