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Posts tagged ‘Ultimate Breast Feeding’

UltimateMama was not a natural at breast-feeding.  She's a great cook, keeps a clean house, can debate with the best of them, writes somewhat intelligently, but was not a born breast-feeder. 

On Sunday, February 21st 2010 The New York Times had an interesting article on Freda Rosenfeld, a certified lactation consultant, that is worth a read for all current and soon-to-be mothers. 

UltimateMama wants you to know that seeking out help is often a part rolling with breast-feeding.  Before birth, take a class on breast-feeding and childcare.  When you are in the hospital ask to speak to lactation consultants and nurses about breast-feeding.  Have them look at the way your breast-feed (your posture, positioning) and how the baby responds (latching on).  Take advantage of courses that are offered during your hospital stay, post-birth. 

Once you get home, seek help if you are still having difficulties or if you have any questions.  Go to your doctor for help or try to find a lactation consultant nearby through La Leche League or a referral.  They will often help you with breast-feeding basics and even coach you on your approach (NOTE: breast-feeding is not for the modest, many times the consultants or nurses will watch as you feed your baby and re-position you both). 

UltimateMama also wants to point out that a breast-feeding mama should not get worked up or stressed out if they are having difficulties so anyone nearby (fathers, friends, relatives) should support her 100%. 

UltimateMama is a fan of breastfeeding.  She encourages all mothers who had normal deliveries and healthy babies to give it a try.  Even if you last a day, a week, a month, three months, six months, or more then you are giving your child a healthy gift that only you can deliver. 

UltimateMama's top reasons for breastfeeding:

1. Bonding with your baby during these precious times.

2. Great for babies health, growth, and development.  Not to mention it protects babies from various infections.

3. Lowers mamas risk of developing breast cancer.

4. Helps babies immune systems – UltimateMama touched on this in point #2 but let us reiterate it!

5. Breastmilk it easy to digest.

6. Breastmilk is free (although UltimateMama will point out that mothers may want to invest in breast pumps, milk storage bags, bottles, nursing pads, nursing bras, nipple cream).

7. Breastfeeding helps mommy burn calories and get her body back in shape!

8. It is a portable feeding system  – grab your baby, a diaper bag, and go!  You can feed baby at parks, restaurants, friends houses, etc.

9. Breastfed babies have nicer smelling bowel movements (sounds funny but UltimateMama is completely serious about this one).

10. Good for cognitive development – some studies even show higher IQs for breastfed babies.