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UltimateMama is against buying little toys that are 1) not needed and 2) not useful just to fill holiday stockings.  Below is a list of UltimateMama's favorite stocking stuffers for babies, toddlers, and young children.

– fun, character toothbrushes (Winnie the Pooh, Elmo, Princess-themed, etc.) and toothpaste

– stickers

– washable crayons, colored pencils, markers

– small books for reading or coloring

– combs, brushes, or hair accessories such as bows or hair clips (for girls)

– socks

– mittens or hats

– watercolors

– colorful utensils or sippy cups

– slippers or sandals

– flash cards or playing cards

– bath tub toys or crayons

– boxes of raisins or bags of crackers (stay away from candy!)

– playdough or clay

– music accessories appropriate for children (like bells and such)

UltimateMama believes you need to prepare for your baby by at the very least composing a list of baby basics (and some baby luxuries too).

Below please find UltimateMama's baby basics shopping list:

– LOTS of onesies since little babies go through so many in a week (wetting through the diaper, spitting up, etc.)! If you are considering having more than one child in your lifetime you may want to get onesies in a gender neutral color. Also, depending on the time of year your baby is born or where you live you may want to consider buying both short-sleeved and long-sleeved onesies(maybe three of each).  In the early days, UltimateMama liked the long-sleeved Carter's onesies with the little mitten covers so baby can't scratch their face.

– Long
sleeve t-shirts that have snaps to close them (for the first week when
they have the umbilical cord and you don't want to put a onesie on).

– A few nighttime gowns for easy diaper changes when they are
very little and little socks to keep their feet warm.

– Fleece bunting "snowsuit"
that has covers over the hands so you don't need mittens and a hat.
"Jogging sets" or jackets and pants. 

– Lots of 100% cotton PJ's with feet so you do not have to put socks on your baby at night (they sometimes fall off).  Please note: DO take all
of the clothing offered to you since babies grow so quickly and go through so many items of clothing. 

Robeez shoes for babies but do not buy smaller than 6-12 months.  You will like these on your baby's feet when they start scooting, crawling, and standing up.  I have heard that Pediped and
Bobux are also great.  You can buy them on or in baby stores.

– Baby towels and wash cloths.  Remember, you should wash all clothing, blankets,
towels, bibs before you use them.  UltimateMama uses Tide Free for all of her family's laundry needs.  
– Blankets for swaddling the baby in the early weeks.

– Receiving blankets. Make sure they are long enough to swaddle the baby properly. 

– Halo sleepsacks are wonderful but do not buy the fleece sleepsacks until the winter months.  UltimateMama used the sleepsacks after her baby was finished with the "swaddle" stage but before they started to crawl. Once crawling began the baby slept in her footed PJ's and used a Blankeaze on cold nights.  Do not use a blanket or pillow for your baby!

– Car seats are a must for babies.  UltimateMama liked the Graco car seat when the baby was small and the Britax seat once baby got a bit older. 

– UltimateMama bought the Travelmate for airports.

– Carriers are nice to have.  UltimateMama likes the Baby Bjorn as well as the Ergo.

– Graco Pak N Plays are wonderful for travel but make sure to buy extra sheets!

– Cribs are essential and UlimateMama bought the Pali Denise in Cognac because of the solid design and drawer space. 

– Crib mattresses are another thing to research. UltimateMama liked the Colgate mattresses.

– BreastPumps, milk storage bags, nipple cream, nursing bras, breast pads (for disposable pads YOU MUST make sure they have a sticky tape so they stick
to your nursing bra
)Also, buy pajamas
that you can button the top for easy access or buy nursing pajamas! 

– Diapers, wipes, cream or ointment.

Bottles, nipples, bottle
drying rack (UltimateMama likes Prince Lionheart racks), bottle brush.  UltimateMama advises you to
read up on bottles and the Bisphoral A issue.  UltimateMama likes "Born
Free" bottles, nipples, and sippy cups.

– Bibs and burp cloths – lots of them (at least 10 of each, especially if you do not do laundry often)!

– Bouncy seats or swings.  You may need the bouncy
seat OR the swing, not both.

– Stroller and a fleece "Bundle Me' for the stroller if it is cold!

– Sunshade for the stroller as well as rain cover for the stroller too!

– Activity mat with sounds and lights. UltimateMama likes the Gymini Super Deluxe Activity Mat by Tiny Love.

– Mobile

– Extra crib sheets

– Diaper Dekor and refills

– Bath tub and even a travel bath like the Snug Tub Deluxe. UltimateMama liked the Sure Comfort Deluxe bath tub by First Years for an infant bath tub. Note that in the first weeks you sponge bathe your child. 

– Electric outlet plugs in CLEAR (not white).  It is never too early!

– High chair. Years ago UltimateMama bought the Aquarium Healthy Care high chair
by Fisher Price and her second child continues to use it today!

– Thermometer and other first aid supplies.

– Changing pad and at least 2 plush changing pad covers in case one is in the wash. 

– Boppy pillow and 2 Boppy covers for feeding by bottle or breast.

– A little soft brush (you even have to brush babies when they do not have much hair so they don't get "cradle cap").  And a comb.

– Shampoo (Johnson's), lotion (Eucerin), soap (Dove), baby oil for "cradle cap" (Johnson's), Aquaphor healing ointment 


– Manicure kit with a nail file and clippers

– Nasal aspirator 

– Burp cloths

– Diaper bag and stroller diaper bag that you can clip onto the stroller. UltimateMama likes the Skip Hop brand.

UltimateMama knows the market for nursing supplies is vast and scary.  Below are some of UltimateMama's favorite nursing and breast pumping supplies:

Easy Expression Halter bra is an amazing hands-free pumping bra that is both comfortable and convenient.  UltimateMama did not have this bra her first time around but a very good friend bought it for her as a gift and it was the best present ever!  It is soft (cotton and lycra blend) and machine washable.  UlltimateMama was able to read, check email, organize photo albums, write thank you letters, work, and fold the laundry while breast pumping! GENIUS product.

Medela breastpump was another amazing product that UltimateMama did use for both of her daughters.  UltimateMama liked the Pump in Style backpack because it was easy to use both at home and work not to mention it was convenient to carry on the subway.  UltimateMama also appreciated Medela's prompt customer service response to her questions. 

Pump In Style BP Backpack-02

Lansinoh disposable nursing pads, milk storage cream, lanolin topical nipple cream, and Soothies Gel Pads were all wonderful products that UltimateMama greatly appreciated in her breastfeeding days.

Please note that UltimateMama did try cotton washable nursing pads in an attempt o be more environmentally friendly, however, she found that she leaked right through them!

UltimateMama loves the idea of creating a group class project at school.  Many schools auction off such projects in school fundraising efforts. 

Below please find a few, fun, easy group projects for your tots:

– Painted Stools or Chairs– Purchase a bare wood step stool at a bare furniture store. When you look at different sizes, make sure the stool could hold enough prints for the class! Paint the stool a cream color or something neutral. Have the teacher or parent helper paint each child's hand or foot a primary or fun color (red, blue, yellow, etc.) and have the kids put their HAND or FEET
prints on the stool.  Use a permanent pen or paint pen and write each student's names under their prints.

– Photo book of the class.  Use an online photo center such as Shutterfly or Kodak and create a photo book of the school year.  Have all parents send in their favorite school-related pictures from the year! 

– Canvas painting.  Buy a large blank canvas at an art supply or craft store and have the students go to town making a
"modern art" project.

– Purchase a plain white ceramic cookie jar (or vase or whatever) and have
the kids decorate it with paint and put their names underneath their
little "paint marks"

– Themed basket — pick a theme like "apples" or "the state you live in" or something and have the kids make items for a gift basket.

UltimateMama realizes that since it is now December many children have been in school for over three months now.  Moreover, these children have made several beautiful art projects — most likely, too many to count!  UlimateMama never likes to throw her children's special creations away but she knows it is impossible to keep evey single drawing, painting, ornament, ceramic tile, etc. 

So, UltimateMama has a tip for you — TAKE PICTURES of your children's art projects!  Snap away and keep the memories for years to come!  You won't feel bad clearing some used construction paper away when you know that you have a permanent copy of the masterpiece right at your fingertips. You can preserve your children's artwork forever!

UltimateMama loves re-using old supplies to create something wonderful with her children.  This Ultimate Ribbon Wreath is fun for kids and adults alike.

– Paper plate or Cardboard/Poster-board circle

– Gift
wrapping, ribbons, and/or tissue paper

– Washable glue
or glue stick

To Do:  Pre-cut the wreaths. Kids then
cover the plate with glue or a glue stick. Next, decorate it with pieces of
gift wrap, tissue paper, ribbon, and more.  Punch a hole in the wreath and weave a loop of ribbon to the back to
hang it.

12-6-09 Ribbon Wreath

UltimateMama loves participating in craft projects with her kids.  A pasta wreath is a quick, easy, and fun project for children of all ages!

Poster or cardboard for frame
White washable glue
Dry macaroni/pasta
Spray paint

To Do: Pre-cut a wreath from cardboard or poster-board.  Kids can spread
white glue around the wreath — in squiggles so that coverage is good. Then the
kids just stick on the macaroni, bow ties, elbows, penne, etc. Set aside to dry. Then an adult can spray
paint with gold or another color. Attach a ribbon bow to make it extra fancy.

12-5-09 Pasta Wreath

case you are in NYC and free on December 14th……you are invited to attend The
Museum of the City of New York Children's Holiday Party with your family!  Also, please check out the
online auction!

Check it out at

If you haven’t
already ordered tickets, you can do so in any of the following ways:
over the phone by calling 917-492-3327
printing and faxing the reply form
to: 212-427-9300
printing and mailing the reply
form to:
Holiday Party
of the City of New York
1220 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 
It’s going to be a
wonderful party!!

And don’t forget to bid in the Online Auction at — there are wonderful items and fantastic

UltimateMama believes that in your child's early days, weeks, months or years you should keep track of their diapers.  Record when your child
urinates or has a soiled diaper. 
Additionally, if there is anything unusual to the child’s patterns then
make additional notes in the log book.

Tell your childcare provider how often to change the child’s diaper.  Also, instruct her to tell you about any
irritations that may have developed. 
Make sure you have an adequate amount of diaper rash cream or ointment
on hand at all times.  If your child has
had issues with diaper rashes then you may want to have a stronger diaper rash
cream or ointment for dealing with rashes. 

Once again, UlimateMama cannot stress routine enough.  Feed your child at the same times each day!

When your child is eating solid food you and your childcare provider should record
exactly what the child ate at each meal. 
It is especially important in the early months or years to pay attention to your child’s
reactions after meals when new foods are introduced. 

– did the child seem to like the taste?

– did the child enjoy the texture?

– did the child have any adverse reactions or allergies?
(rash, diarrhea,
gas, constipation, etc.) 

Make notes in a daily log book
providing details on the child’s eating habits. 
Samples of such notes as follows:

– the child ate light at breakfast but had a hearty appetite
at lunch and dinner

– the child ate all of his meat at lunch

– the child didn’t eat much cauliflower at dinner

– the child seemed to enjoy the pureed green beans
introduced at lunch today

– the child likes the pureed butternut squash over the
jarred butternut squash

– the child ate the pieces of cheese but threw all of the
peas off the high chair’s tray table