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UltimateMama knows that some families run by routine while others are more
liberal.  UltimateMama strongly encourages families to follow a routine (eating, bathing, diapering, sleeping, etc.)!  If you have a nanny or babysitter you need to stress the importance of a routine to them.  Additionally, be specific as
to exactly what type of schedule you expect your childcare provider to follow.

Most parents want to make sure their child is neither
overfed nor underfed.  Many parents, UltimateMama included, talk to their pediatrician to develop an eating schedule for their child.  This eating schedule is altered as the child
gets older.

For infants, it is important to keep track of how many
ounces of milk. breast milk, or formula the baby consumes each day.  UltimateMama encourages developing an
eating schedule to make sure the child is getting the appropriate amount of
milk or formula at specific times throughout the day.  Every single time the baby drinks from the bottle, the parents and childcare provider should record what time
the baby was fed and how many ounces the baby consumed.  However, make it clear that your baby should never be force fed!

Additionally, make sure you properly burp the baby 
during and after feedings.  Be specific with your
childcare provider and tell her how many burps your baby usually has after each bottle.  If your baby tends to spit up a lot then make them aware of that as well.  Keep
plenty of burp clothes in a visible spot so you or your childcare provider can use them throughout
the day.  And for goodness sakes change
the baby’s clothing if spit-up gets on the garments. 

Always hold your baby upright after feedings!  Tell your childcare provider how many minutes she should hold your baby
as part of the digesting period before she puts the baby down in a crib or stroller. 

Ultimatemama has a question for you.  Do you get excited when you are presented with an unexpected
gift?  Of course you do!  It is always fun to get a little something
when you least expect it. 

So feel free to shower your nanny with a surprise gift once
in a while to reward her for a job well done. 
A little bottle of lotion for Valentine’s Day, a wallet for her
birthday, or a sweater for the holidays would brighten up your nanny’s

You could also have your child present the gift to your
nanny.  By encouraging your child to give
a gift to your nanny UltimateMama believes that you are teaching the child to express gratitude at an
early age.

One mother noticed her nanny loved wearing flip-flops both
inside and outside the house.  So, when
the summertime weather kicked in she gave her nanny a brand new pair of pink
flip flops as a thank you for taking such great care of her child.  A small but sweet gesture. 

Another father observed that his nanny loved to use cotton
reusable shopping bags.  The father often
attended industry conferences as part of his job and bags were given out to
commemorate these events.  After
attending a few conferences, he brought the bags home and presented them to his
nanny to show his appreciation for her efforts.  Again, a little yet nice token. 

Examples of nanny gifts or babysitter rewards may include:

– gift certificates for coffee, meals, books, music,
clothing, movies

– spill-proof beverage containers (that may fit in your car
or stroller holder) 

– clothing items

– scarves

– hats

– sunglasses

– bags, wallets, purses, wristlets

– lotions or soaps

– a framed or gift-wrapped craft project that your child

– photo albums or scrapbooks

– stationary or boxes of cards

– ornaments or holiday decorations

– key chains

– vases

– flowers

– health club memberships

– vouchers for airline tickets

– magazine subscriptions

UltimateMama feels that you and your partner should create a “nanny contract” or a
“nanny responsibility code” before hiring your nanny.  First, it will force you to come to an
agreement on exactly what you expect of her. 
Secondly, the contract will give you a chance to put everything in one
place so there are no future debates or arguments about her role.  Thirdly, by reviewing the document or
agreement together as a team you will begin your relationship with your nanny
with a solid foundation.

It is important that you allow her to communicate to you any
questions, concerns, or comments she has regarding the contract and make
alterations if necessary.  Also, make it
clear that you understand that certain unforeseen events may come up and you
will respect her and treat her fairly. 
For instance, if she is normally on time and happens to be late for work
one day due to the subways not running on time let her know that she will not
be penalized as long as she contacts you.

UltimateMama lists some items or terms you may want to include on your nanny

– the date

– your name, address, and phone number(s)

– your child’s name

– the nanny’s name, address, and phone number(s)

– hours and days of week she is expected to work

– pay as well as overtime pay if applicable

– vacation days/personal days/holidays

– emergency contact information

– specific responsibilities

– house rules

– transportation requirements

– your signature/date and the nanny’s signature/date

UltimateMama wants to make you aware of the 3rd Annual Consumer Guide to Toxic Chemicals in Toys study by the Michigan-based Ecology Center and partners.  Before heading out to do holiday shopping for your children check out! These researchers worked hard to test various toys and children's products for such things as lead, cadmium,
arsenic, PVC, and harmful chemicals. Do you and your family a favor and read their research!

UltimateMama likes to show appreciation to those who deserve it…especially to those who work with children.  This cute, festive gift basket is easy to make, much appreciated,12-1-09 basket contents
and cost effective!  


– Basket

– Ribbons

– Nice hand lotion or soap (UltimateMama likes Bath & Body Works Anti-Bacterial Moisturizing Hand Soap)

– Pocket tissues

– Small hand sanitizer (Purell in 2 Fl. Oz. works well)

All you have to do is tie a ribbon around the tissues, hand soap and hand sanitizer and put your "present" in a nice basket and your gift is ready to be delivered!  It is a practical and economical way of saying "Happy Holidays and Thank You for Everything"!

12-1-09 Holiday basket